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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lupus Pregnancy

Lupus pregnancy is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack healthy tissue. The causes of lupus are unknown. Any person can contract Lupus, but it is most commonly found in women. Lupus is a disease that strikes predominantly young women in the reproductive years.

What Can Be The Extent Of Risk?
The risks of pregnancy problems in lupus patients are real and can affect both the mother and the fetus. About ten percent of pregnancies currently end in miscarriage, due to this. The first trimester losses appear either to have no known cause or to associate with signs of active lupus. But today, most women with lupus can safely become pregnant. With proper medical care, you can decrease the risks associated with pregnancy and deliver a normal, healthy baby.

To increase the chances of a happy outcome in Lupus pregnancy, you must carefully plan your pregnancy. Your disease should be under control or in remission, before the conception takes place. Getting pregnant when your disease is active could result in a miscarriage, a stillbirth, or serious complications for you. It is extremely important that an obstetricianobstetrician who has experienced managing high-risk pregnancies monitors such a pregnancy.

Delivery should be planned at a hospital that can manage a high-risk patient and provide the specialized care you and your baby will need. Be aware that a vaginal birth may not be possible. A Cesarean sectionCesarean section is advisable at such situations. One problem that can affect a pregnant woman in Lupus pregnancy is the development of a lupus flare. In general, flares are not caused by pregnancy. Flares that do develop often occur during the first or second trimester or during the first few months following delivery. Most flares are mild and easily treated with small doses of corticosteroids.

The most important question asked in Lupus pregnancy is, "Will my baby be okay?" In most cases, the answer is 'yes'. Babies born to women with lupus have no greater chance of birth defects or mental retardationmental retardation. As your pregnancy progresses, the doctor will regularly check the baby's heartbeat and growth with sonograms. If not planned properly, about 70 percent of such pregnancies end up in unexpected miscarriages or stillbirthsstillbirths. Another 30 percent may result in premature birthpremature birth of the infant. So, plan properly and follow all the necessary steps for a healthy outcome and to avoid Lupus pregnancy complaints.

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